C. Gurlitt - Album pro mládež op. 101

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Notový titul obsahuje 23 skladeb skladatele Cornelia Gurlitta.

Dostupnost Skladem (2 ks)
295 Kč    
Značka Hal Leonard Corporation
Kategorie Zahraniční tituly

Notový titul obsahuje 23 skladeb skladatele Cornelia Gurlitta.src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WLSLHbRYY-0" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315">

Historical Notes
Performance Notes
Marsch (March)
Morgengebet (Morning Prayer)
Heiterer Morgen (A Sunshiny Morning)
Nordische Klange (Northern Strains)
An der Quelle (By the Spring)
Schlummerlied (Lullaby)
Klage (Lament)
Kirmes (The Fair)
Turkischer Marsch (Turkish March)
Lied ohne Worte (Song without Words)
Walzer (Waltz)
Der kleine Wandersmann (The Little Wanderer)
Grossvaters Geburstag (Grandfather's Birthday)
Valse Noble
Verlust (Loss)
Schwarmerei (Passing Fancies)
Sonntag (Sunday)
Jagdstuck (Hunting Song)
Salto Mortale (Aerial Somersault)
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